中文摘要:在二十世纪六十年代,语言教学从以教师为中心转向以学生为中心。近二十年来,自主学习已经成为了教育学界的热门话题。这一概念最先是由Henri Holec提出,他认为自主学习是一种“对自己学习负责的能力”。这一概念提出后,许多语言学家和研究者在这方面进行了研究,提出诸多不同的理论。
关键词:英语自主学习能力 中学生 策略
Abstract:Since 1960s, language learning has a transform from teacher-centered to student-centered. In recent years, autonomous learning has become a hot issue in educational field. This concept was first put forward by Henri Holec. He thought that autonomous learning ability is “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”. Since then, many linguists and researchers has conducted many studies and put forward a lot of different theories on autonomous learning.
With the development of new curricular reform, English curricular standards point out that middle school students should learn in autonomous ways and try to learn to self-regulation in study. While in China, there are much less researches on English autonomous learning, especially researches on middle school students are quite few. Based on the situation, the paper briefly analyzes how to cultivate middle school students’ English autonomous learning ability. The aim of the analysis is to apply some autonomous learning strategies to middle school English teaching and enhance middle school students’ motivation of English learning. At the same time, the thesis is expected to give teachers some suggestions to apply the ways of autonomous teaching to their daily teaching.
Keys Words: English autonomous learning ability middle school students strategies
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The background-1
1.2 The significance and purpose-2
Chapter Two Literature review-4
2.1 Studies of autonomous learning abroad-4
2.2 Studies of autonomous learning at home-5
2.3 Characteristics of English autonomous learning-6
Chapter Three Factors affecting autonomous English-learning ability in middle school-8
3.1 Inner factors affecting autonomous English-learning ability in middle school-8
3.1.1 Learners’ beliefs and attitudes towards English learning-8
3.1.2 Learners’ English-learning motivation-9
3.2 External factors affecting autonomous English-learning ability in middle school-10
3.2.1 Teachers’ teaching methods-10
3.2.2 Learning environment-11
Chapter Four Strategies to foster autonomous English-learning ability in middle school-12
4.1 Enhancing students’ English self-learning motivation and awareness-12
4.2 Training students’ English-learning strategies-13
4.3 Encouraging autonomous and cooperative English-learning-15
4.4 Creating a favorable English-learning atmosphere-16
Chapter Five Conclusion-18