Abstract:This thesis aims to discuss the translation of an American animated film Kung Fu Panda from the perspective of domestication and foreignizaion and to show how these two strategies work in the subtitle translation.
Film, as a type of modern cultural entertainment, plays a very important role in daily life. Subtitled films can not only provide maximal information in a short-term period, but also satisfy the audience who want to enjoy the original sound in films. Thus, the film subtitle translation becomes more and more important in our society.
The film Kung Fu panda premiered in the United States on June 6, 2008, and has received very favorable reviews from critics and most of the moving-going public, including Chinese audiences who were impressed with the film’s faithfulness to their culture. Though this film is based on Chinese cultural, because of the language barriers, the Chinese audience has to enjoy the film with the help of translation. This is a great challenge to the translator. With the help of these two strategies, the communication between the original producer of the film and the target language audience becomes possible. This thesis discusses the application of domestication and foreignization in the translation of Kung Fu Panda and concludes the usage of these two strategies.
Key words: subtitle translation; Kung Fu Panda; domestication; foreignization
电影作为现代文化娱乐的一种方式, 在日常生活中有着重要的作用。带字幕的电影不仅在短时间内提供了大量的电影信息, 同时也满足观众对于原声的需求。因此,字幕翻译在社会中越来越重要。