Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background of the Thesis-1
1.2 The Significance of the Thesis-1
1.3 The Organization of the Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 An Introduction to Political Essays and the 2014 Government Work Report-3
2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of Political Essays-4
2.3 An Introduction to Foreignization-5
Chapter Three Application of Foreiginzation in the Translation of the 2014 Government Work Report-6
3.1 The Translation of Chinese Culture-specific Words-7
3.2 The Translation of Abbreviations-8
3.3 The Translation of Four-Character Structures-9
Chapter Four Conclusion-10
In recent years, with the rapid development of China’s economy and rapid increase of China’s international status, the desire of the world to know China grows with each passing day, and translation plays a decisive role in this process. Political essay states and comments on the current events and social issues from the perspective of politics, and it is the main source of information about China’s important policies, the translation of which is directly related to our national image and how readers can perceive it. Taking the 2014 Government Work Report as an example, the thesis analyzes the C-E translation of political essays, and explores effective translation strategies for the translation of Chinese culture-specific words, abbreviations and four-character structures, thus achieving the purposes of reflecting the Chinese characteristics, disseminating effectively political information and strengthening international communication and cooperation.
Key words: political essay Government Work Report foreignization