This thesis is intended to explore the application of two methods—domestication and foreignization in advertising translation. Advertising English is an applied language with its own unique style and function, employed to promote products and attract potential customers. From the perspective of the culture of target countries, domestication strategy focuses its attention on how to have the source products accepted by foreigners while foreignization strategy maintains the features of the original language so as to make foreigners learn about another culture. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques in advertising translation respectively from different aspects and analyzes the applications of them in some cases. Although many scholars give priority to domestication, the combination of domestication and foreignization should be stressed in advertising translation to reach the intended purpose. Advertising translation should cross the barriers of languages and culture to cater to traditional psychology and consumption concept of consumers. Flexible application of translation strategy is consistent with the expectation of the target readers, which easily arouses resonance, so as to achieve its purpose.
Keywords: domestication; foreignization; advertising translation
2.Literature Review2
3.The widely used strategies in advertising translation3
3.1 Domestication.5
3.2 Foreignization6
4.The characteristics of advertising English in genre9
5. Analyses of examples in advertising translation10
5.1 Domestication in priority11
5.2 Foreignization in priority.12
6. Conclusion.13
7. Work cited.14