Advertising is the most effective means of promoting product sales and expanding commercial market. With the trend of global economic integration, commercial advertising translation has been more and more important.
Foreignization and domestication, as two commonly used means of translation, are often regarded as contradictory and even opposite. How to choose has always been the hot issue. This paper proceeds from the concepts of foreignization, domestication and advertising translation, with the theoretical analysis of different cases to draw the conclusion . Advertising translation should be based on the purpose and efficiency of advertising. Foreignization and domestication, as the two strategies of advertising translation, are not contradictory but dialectical. Only with reasonable strategies of translation, can the both promote sales and cultural communication.
Key words: advertising translation; foreignization; domestication
1 Introduction-1
1.1 Background of the study-1
1.2 Significance of the study-1
1.3 Organization of the paper-2
2 Advertising translation-2
2.1 Features of advertising translation-2
2.2 Principles of advertising translation-4
2.3 Significance of advertising translation -6
3 Foreignization and domestication-6
3.1 Foreignization-6
3.1.1 The definition of foreignization-6
3.1.2 The advantages and disadvantages of foreignization.7
3.2 Domestication-8
3.2.1The definition of domestication-8
3.2.2 The advantages and disadvantages of domestication -8
4 Foreignization and domestication in commercial advertising translation-8
4.1 The application of domestication-.9
4.2 The application of foreigniation-.10
4.3 The application of the both-.11
5 Conclusion-13
5.1 Summary of the paper-.13
5.2 Limitation of the paper-.14
5.3 Suggestions for the future study-.14