Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background -1
1.2 Research Objectives and Significance-1
1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Introduction of Skopos Theory -3
2.2 Three Rules of Skopos Theory-3
2.2.1 Skopos Rule-3
2.2.2 Coherence Rule-4
2.2.3 Fidelity Rule-4
2.2.4 The Relationship among the Rules -4
Chapter Three Analysis of C-E Translation of FPI Based on Skopos Theory-5
3.1 Current Problems in C-E Translation of FPI-5
3.1.1 Translation Mistakes at Linguistic Level-5 Misspelling-5 Lexical Mistakes-6 Grammatical Mistakes-7
3.1.2 Translation Mistakes at Cultural Level-8 Chinglish-8 Cultural Default-9
3.2 Causes for Mistranslation of Chinese FPI-10
3.2.1 Causes for Linguistic Mistakes-10
3.2.2 Causes for Cultural Mistakes-11
3.3 Strategies of C-E Translation of FPI-12
3.3.1 Domestication-12
3.3.2 Foreignization-13
Chapter Four Conclusion-14
4.1 Major Findings-14
4.2 Limitations-14
4.3 Suggestions for Future Research-15
Facing the trend of economic globalization and trade liberalization, our country plays more active role in the international economy. The economic and trade exchanges and cooperation with many countries in the world are becoming more and more frequent. With the development of society, in order to satisfy people's growing material and cultural requirements, the rapid emergence of various new products has appeared. Subsequently it has brought countless instruction for use. In order to make consumers quickly recognize the products, the proper use of high quality instruction plays a vital role. Food Production Information falls into the category of pragmatic writings which always displays their own features. The quality of translation directly influences the enterprise image. Although many enterprises have paid attention to FPI, the neglect of culture, target audience and the intended function leads to poor quality of translation, such as missing translation, mistranslation etc, which influences the readability and acceptability of translation.
Taking FPI as the object, this paper discusses the translation problem of FPI from the perspective of Skopos Theory. It aims to find out appropriate translation principles and approaches in order to address the problems existing in the current translation of Chinese FPI, to improve the quality of C-E translation of Chinese FPI, make buyers accept products, and then buy the products. This is helpful to strengthen the international competitiveness of China's food and accelerate the pace of joining the world.
Keywords: food production information Skopos Theory C-E translation