Chapter One Introduction-4
1.1 Introduction to D.H.Lawrence-4
1.2 Introduction to Sons and Lovers-5
1.3 Structure of the Thesis-5
Chapter Two Novel of Initiation-7
2.1 Origin and Definition of Initiation Story-7
2.2 Characteristics of Initiation-7
2.2.1 Characteristics of Content-7
2.2.2 Characteristics of Characters-8
2.2.3 Characteristics of Structure-8
Chapter Three Analysis of the Protagonist Paul’s Initiation-9
3.1 A Totally Dependent,Unquestioning,and Passive Little Boy-9
3.2 A Partly Dependent,Confused,and Struggled Young Lad-10
3.3 An Independent,Thinking,and Released Mature Man-10
Chapter Four Negative Guides in Paul’s Initiation-12
4.1 Mrs.Morel-12
4.2 Miriam -13
4.3 Clara-13
Chapter Five Conclusion-15
D. H. Lawrence, one of the greatest British novelist in the 20th century, published his masterpiece Sons and Lovers in 1913. To some extent, Sons and Lovers is an autobiographical novel told by means of straightforward narrative and vivid episode.
Initiation story, originated in Germany, is a story about a single individual’s growth and development within the context of a defined social order. In this book, the protagonist Paul was born in a miner’s family of an industrial society. Under his mother’s excessive love and protection, Paul was originally a fragile and obedient boy. But after a series of failed love affairs and his mother’s death, Paul finally gained his independence and maturity. Based on the theory of Initiation story, the paper intends to explore the transformation and growth of the protagonist Paul. It is hoped that this paper can provide a new perspective for the interpretation of this classic novel.
Key words: Sons and Lovers initiation story Paul growth