Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Introduction to Toni Morrison-1
1.2 Introduction to Beloved-1
1.3 Literature Review-2
1.4 Composition of the paper-4
Chapter Two Postmodernism-5
2.1 Definition of Postmodernism-5
2.2 Distinctive Features of Postmodernism-6
Chapter Three Postmodernism in Beloved-7
3.1 Postmodernist Narrative Techniques in Beloved-7
3.1.1 Fragmented Narrative Pattern and Multiple Angles Narrative-7
3.1.2 Gothic Narrative Discourse and Blues Musical Style-8
3.1.3 Collage-9
3.1.4 Nonlinear and Casual Narrative -10
3.2 Postmodernism embodied in Beloved-10
3.2.1 Humanization-10
3.2.2 Rebellion-11
3.2.3 Surrealism-11
Chapter Four Conclusion-13
Toni Morrison is an African American female writer who is the first black writer winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in the United States. Beloved is Toni Morrison’s one of the most famous works, and in 1993 won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Beloved is based on a real infanticide event in history, applying the writing techniques of postmodernism, so that it can obtain a seat in the literary world.
This thesis focuses on the deep ideological connotation and practical significance of Morrison’s Beloved from the view of postmodernism. From the narrative techniques and narrative discourse of the novel, this paper discusses the fragmented narrative pattern, the multiple angles narrative, the Gothic narrative discourse, the blues music style, collage and nonlinear narrative and then discusses the postmodern characteristics of the works and its artistic style. Through the detailed analysis and anatomy of Beloved, the author analyzes the rational expression of postmodernism in the novel Beloved and the unique effect of complement between postmodernism and Beloved, and tries to show the postmodernist elements of Beloved, making the basic connotation of Beloved and the unique contribution to postmodernism sublimate.
Keywords: Toni Morrison postmodernism Beloved narrative techniques