As a developing country, China is increasing its overall national strength, and much emphasis is put on Chinese culture transmission. At 2014 APEC, held in Beijing in November, four speeches delivered by President Xi contain many culture-loaded words, including ancient Chinese poems, phrases, proverbs and political terms. These words not only clearly express his purposes, but also show profound cultural Chinese characteristics. So it is important for the interpreter to translate the culture-loaded words correctly for conveying the speaker’s intension.
This thesis studies how traditional Chinese culture-loaded words are translated, how Chinese political terms are translated into English, and what translation strategy is employed in English translation. The research is conducted based on the four speeches delivered by President Xi from the perspective of Skopostheorie. After in-depth analysis, the writer of this thesis discovers that the interpreter uses free translation in order to achieve the speaker’s purposes when doing Chinese culture-loaded words and Chinese political terms. But if the direct translation does not hinder imparting speaker’s intention, the interpreter usually employs direct translation.
Key Words: Culture-loaded Words APEC Skopostheorie Translation Strategies
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Objectives of the Research-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Skopostheorie-3
2.2 Culture-loaded Words-4
2.2.1 The Definition of Culture-loaded Words-4
2.2.2 The Characteristics of Culture-loaded Words-5
Chapter Three Methodology-7
Chapter Four Research of the Translations-8
4.1 The Translation of the Culture-loaded Words and Classifications-8
4.2 Analysis of the Culture-loaded Words from Skopostheorie-10
Chapter Five Conclusion-13
5.1 Summary-13
5.2 Limitations-14