The Cognitive Mechanism of Internet Language_英语论文.doc

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  • 更新时间:2017-09-15
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With the popularity of the Internet and an increasing number of Internet users, Internet language is becoming more and more popular among people. Internet language, as a new linguistic variant, has aroused wide attention from all walks of life, and also attracted scholars to explore it. However, many network novices have found it difficult to understand the meaning of the Internet language. The thesis is to analyze this new form of language, with cognitive theories (analogy, metaphor, and metonymy), in order to make people have a better understanding of it. Therefore, this paper will study the nature of Internet language and expect more people to understand the overall cognitive process of the new linguistic approach.


Key words : Internet language; analogy; metaphor; metonymy 






2.Literature Review6

3. Types of Internet language7

3.1 Chinese form.7

3.2 Alphabet form.7

3.3 Digital form.8

3.4 Symbolic form.8

4. Features of Internet language.8

4.1 Variability.9

4.2 Sociality.9

4.3 Cognition.10

5.Cognitve thinking in Internet language .10 

5.1 Analogical thinking in Internet language .10

5.2 Analogy and Internet language11

5.3 Metaphoric thinking in Internet language.14

5.4 Metaphor and Internet language.15

5.5 Metonymic thinking in Internet language15

5.6 Metonymy and Internet language.16

6. Conclusion17


