This thesis is a study on the great work Winesburg, Ohio by a famous American writer Sherwood Anderson, mainly analyzing the manifestation of absurdity in the theme of the novel. Thanks to the appearance of the work, Anderson has been regarded as a writer that has blazed a trail of American modernist fiction. The novel is also a great milestone-style work because of its significance to the growth of American modern literature, especially to the development of American short stories. Anderson, with his keen insight, deeply explored the loneliness beneath American people living in the town after industrialization, by which he has revealed the theme including loss of love, frustration, loneliness, and epiphany. The thesis starts with the introduction of Anderson’s life experience and his writing style, then illustrates the theme, concentrates on the manifestation of absurdity, and ultimately analyzes the reasons for such absurdity, in an attempt to point out the realistic significance of the work even to today’s society.
Key words: Anderson Sherwood, absurdity, alienation, repression
1. Introduction-1
2. Life Experience and the Writing Style of Sherwood Anderson-1
2.1-Writing Career-1
2.2-Writing Style-3
3. Manifestation of Absurdity in the Theme of Winesburg, Ohio-3
3.1 Theme of Winesburg, Ohio-3
3.2 Manifestation of Absurdity-5
3.2.1 The Origin and Main Characteristics of the Absurdity style-5
3.2.2 Absurdity Reflected in the Grotesques’ Appearance Traits-6
3.2.3 Absurdity Reflected in the Grotesques’ Abnormal Behaviors-7
3.2.4 Absurdity Reflected in the Grotesques’ Spiritual Worlds-8
4. Causes of Absurdity in the Grotesques-9
4.1 The Alien Social Background-9
4.2 The Repressive Personality-10
5. Conclusion-11
Works Cited-13