Learning English is a challenge. A different system of grammar, sound, rhythm or alphabet can be the obstacle that keeps learners from achieving better language skills. For most of the Chinese English learners, the negative transfer of Chinese culture, due to the big differences existing between both languages, is the main cause of the holdback. This paper discusses the influence on English learning caused by Chinese negative transfers and aims to encourage learners to study its culture and then to improve cross-cultural communication competence when learning English.
Key words: Negative cultural transfer, English learning, influence
I. Introduction-1
1.1 Background-1
1.2 Thesis statements-1
II. Cultural Transfer-1
2.1 Cultural Transfer-1
2.2 Connection between Language and Culture-2
Ⅲ. Manifestation of Negative Cultural Transfer-3
3.1 Pronunciation-3
3.2 Lexical Connotation-3
3.3 Grammar-4
3.4 Value-4
3.5 Greetings-5
3.6 Thought Pattern-6
Ⅳ. Solutions to Influences of Negative Cultural Transfer on English Learning-6
4.1 Analyzing the Problems-7
4.2 Developing cross-cultural Awareness-7
4.3 Forming the Habit of Positive Cultural Transfer-8
Ⅴ. Conclusion-10