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  • 更新时间:2021-03-13
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Abstract:This article mainly uses Downton Abbey as an example to explore the pragmatic functions of English euphemism. Nowadays, with the development of communication technology, the interaction between people is becoming more convenient and faster, and the handling of interpersonal relationships is also a manifestation of personal ability. Euphemism, as a medium of speech, can replace some relatively straightforward, offensive expressions with more elegant and pleasant expressions. It is an indispensable part of the interpersonal communication. This paper takes the expression of British euphemism in Downton Abbey as an example to analyze the pragmatic functions of euphemism in terms of different contexts and characters. It contains three aspects: politeness function, avoidance function and masking function. Analysis of the pragmatic functions of English euphemism can help us to further understand western language and culture, eliminate cultural barriers, and promote the cross-cultural communication.


Key words: Downton Abbey; euphemism; pragmatic functions 






I.-Introduction of Euphemism-4

A.-Definition of Euphemism-4

B.-Classification of Euphemism-5

C.-Pragmatic Functions of Euphemism-6

1.-Avoidance of Taboo-6

2.-Expression of Politeness-7

3. Concealment of Truth-7

II. The TV Series Downton Abbey-9

A.-A Brief Introduction of Downton Abbey-9

B.-The Frequent Use of Euphemism in Downton Abbey-10

1. Strict Hierarchy and Aristocratic Spirit-10

2. World War I and Religious Factors-11

III. Pragmatic Functions of Euphemism in Downton Abbey-13

A.-Euphemisms that Avoid Taboo-13

B.-Euphemisms that Express Politeness-14

C.-Euphemisms that Conceal Truth-15




