Chapter 1 Introduction-1
Chapter 2 The Liberalism and Equality——The Patriot-3
2.1 Overall View-3
2.2 The Liberalism and Equality Reflected in The Patriot-3
2.3 The Reasons of the Formation of the Values-4
Chapter 3 The Individualism and American Dream——Dances with Wolves and Forrest Gump-5
3.1 Overall View-5
3.2 The Individualism and American Dream Reflected in the Two Films-5
3.3 The Reasons of the Formation of the Values-7
Chapter 4 The Humanitarianism and Heroism——A Series of World War Ⅱ Films-9
4.1 The Humanitarianism Reflected in the Films-9
4.2 Heroism Reflected in the Films-10
4.3 The Reasons of the Formation of the Values-10
Chapter 5 The Addiction to War——The Hurt Locker-13
5.1 Overall View-13
5.2 The Addiction to War Refleced in the Film-13
5.3 The Reasons of the Formation of the Addiction to War-13
5.4 Anti-war Theme in the Films about Vietnam War-14
Chapter 6 Conclusion-15