[英语论文] IBM企业文化中的利他主义精神及其对中国企业文化建设的启示_英语论文.doc
However, until now in China, the knowledge of Chinese companies on corporate culture is still in a skin-deep, and its essence hasn’t been cognized, let alone the effective construction of corporate culture...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4365 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 浅析《热爱生命》中的永不放弃精神_英语论文.doc
The hero of Love of Life called ‘He’ by Jack London, was deserted by his partner in desolate marsh, but he fought perseveringly alone and finally survived. His perseverance is unceasingly shining in the reader’s mind. His great spirit ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4866 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 浅谈现代企业运营中的知识管理_英语论文.doc
Success in an increasingly competitive marketplace depends critically on the quality of knowledge which organizations apply to their key business processes. For example, the supply chain depends on knowledge diversity including raw materials...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5707 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 浅谈进步时代劳工政策变迁过程中劳工组织的作用_英语论文.doc
The thesis consists of 5 parts. Part One is Introduction.Part Two is Theoretical Perspective and Problem Study, which is concerned about the general situation in APE. Part Three is The Influence of Labour Organizations on Policy Change; it i...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5293 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 浅谈汉语中的英语外来词_英语论文.doc
Language, as a means of human communication, is constantly changing with constant acceptance from other languages and dismissal of old-dated ones. Since China’s reform and opening up, foreign languages, especially English, have directly ma...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4838 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 美国媒体的权力_英语论文.doc
So this thesis is to dig out some concealed elements behind news making and therefore their impact on public opinion and the reasons for limitation of media power. Explicitly, the purpose is also to find out the reasons why the government wa...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5324 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 论语外知识在口译中的重要性_英语论文.doc
Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6518 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 论汉语成语的翻译_英语论文.doc
However, sometimes we find it hard to translate the Chinese idioms into English because of the cultural gap between two countries. To better promote Chinese splendid culture and benefit to the cultural exchange, we discuss the Chinese idioms...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6167 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 论《喜福会》中母女的冲突_英语论文.doc
The Joy Luck Club is her first novel. Amy Tan’s Experiences and her dual Consciousness are reflected in the novel. It touched the hearts of millions of readers, garnered enthusiastic reviews, and remained on the New York Times best--seller...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4899 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 可口可乐在中国饮料市场的策略及其影响_英语论文.doc
In 1885 George to the United States, Dr. John put aerated water and Soda together in the cellar, which he made into dark syrup. His partner Robinson, who was a smart salesman, was inspired by the two ingredients and he called the new drink “...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5780 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 简析王尔德的唯美主义思想--以《快乐王子》为中心_英语论文.doc
This paper is a study of Oscar Wilde’s main aesthetic thoughts displayed in his fairy tale—The Happy Prince. It will first give a brief introduction about aestheticism in history and the historical background of it. After that, it will s...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6244 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 广交会工艺品外贸谈判前的准备工作_英语论文.doc
To a certain degree, negotiation is also influenced by the business customs directly or indirectly .So before taking negotiation, making a clear understanding of the business customs can help the negotiation to go more smoothly...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6055 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 关于《秀拉》中伊娃的原型分析_英语论文.doc
Due to its complexity in theme, scene and characters, attempts to define Sula are as numerous as they are diverse. First appeares in the 1970s when feminism was on the rise, Sula has usually been read from a feminist and sexist perspective....
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6117 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 分析“冰山原理”在海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》的体现_英语论文.doc
The body of the essay consists of three parts: first, the author discusses the definition and meaning of the Iceberg Principle; second, the author analyzes how the Iceberg Principle is reflected in this short story in terms of style, images,...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7982 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 从麦卡勒斯身上读取女性主义的人格独立_英语论文.doc
With a collection of work including five novels, two plays, twenty short stories, more than two dozen nonfiction pieces, a book of children's verse, a small number of poems, and an unfinished autobiography, Carson McCullers is considered to ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:3581 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 宝洁品牌营销分析及其给中国企业的启示_英语论文.doc
This thesis will summarize several typical types of brand marketing of P&G, and then bring forward some suggestions and advices according to the present disadvantages and shortcomings of Chinese enterprises while operating brand marketing...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6403 更新日期:2014-08-18
[英语论文] 主人公霍尔顿的自我探寻《麦田里的守望者》_英语论文.doc
Holden Caulfield's less-than-respectful meditations on God and divine will. Influential pundit George Will recently opined that the book's influence has had a far more negative than positive effect on society. ...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4867 更新日期:2014-08-17
[英语论文] 在公示语翻译过程中的常见错误_英语论文.doc
Studies on English translation of public signs in Chinese have been done both domestically and internationally, especially by the foreign researchers. In China, however, studies are in the early stage because of lacking...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7064 更新日期:2014-08-17
[英语论文] 幼儿英语口语培养_英语论文.doc
Now in China, it is the education obligations to improve students’ various aspects ability and quality. The developed economic regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, with domestic and private bra...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6133 更新日期:2014-08-17
[英语论文] 影响学生阅读的主要障碍及其解决策略_英语论文.doc
Along with the development and maturity of theories on reading analysis, there has been an increasing interest in reading obstacles and their strategies analysis. People are paying more attention on the solutions to the reading obstacles, so...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:5712 更新日期:2014-08-17