Abstract:Severe policy changes once took place in American Progressive Era(APE), whose background is similar to that of China now. The Labour Organizations played an irreplaceable role in the formation and development of American social policy at that time, especially in the great change of labour policy, nevertheless they cannot retain their fruit of innovation constantly.
Basing on Wilson's Policy Regime Theory,the author takes the labour policies and labour organizations in APE as an example, to research into some historical facts in APE in view of organizational arrangement, power arrangement and policy paradigm;Through the relative contrast and analysis, this essay presents and analyses the connections among the survival and development of labour organizations,public policy change in US and the government, in which the formation and change of public policy are accelerated or restricted by the mutual game between the labour organizations and the government. In this dissertation, the writer discusses the points above mentioned, analyses the aspects which are worth our reference, and uses them for reference to predict their pragmatic significance and value in the development of policies in modern China and tries to find an effective way which is suitable for China labour organizations to survive and develop.
Key words: American Progressive Era;Policy Change;Policy Regime;Labour Organization
本文作者借用Wilson的政策建制理论,以当时的劳工政策和劳工组织为个案,试图从组织安排、权力关系和政策范式三个角度对当时的一些重要史实进行另一番解读;通过对比分析等方法的综合运用,本文展示和分析了美国劳动组织的生存和发展与美国公共政策之间以及与政府之间的联系, 前者在与政府的相互博弈中促使或限制了美国政策的形成和变迁。本文将对以上几点加以分析,通过对其进行借鉴进而预测它们在中国现代政策发展中的实际意义与价值,从而试图为劳动组织寻找一条在中国生存发展的有效道路。