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  • 更新时间:2014-06-04
  • 论文字数:6007
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  • 资料包括:完整论文


Abstract:Along with the development of China, the status of English has become more and more important, improve the standard of English and learning of English has become a required course for our students. But now teaching English in secondary schools is the result of: the ability of the students, the book knowledge is relatively strong, and that the capacity of the books that leave the relatively poor ability of oral expression, and they often have higher writing skills, but that the ability of very weak. So how to improve secondary school students speaking a certain level and to develop interpersonal skills, foreign language teaching in secondary schools has become the focus of.

Key Words: oral English  importance  verbal ability    Communicative Competence Focus


摘要:随着中国的发展,英语的地位变得越来越重要,提高英语水平和学习英语已经成为我们学生的必修课。但现在中学英语教学的结果是:学生读的能力,也就是书本知识相对来说强,而说的能力,即离开书本的口头表达能力相对较差,他们往往具有较高的书面表达能力,但说的能力非常薄弱。因此如何提高中学学生的口语水平并培养起一定的交际 能力,已经成为中学外语教学的焦点…

关键词: 口语 重要性 口头表达能力 交际能力 焦点

