[英语论文] 对黑人妇女在民权运动期间争取教育权的背景分析_英语论文.doc
At the time, there were a few groups like the Afro-American women who were subjected to multiple oppressions, such as the racial discrimination and the gender discrimination and so on. Gender discrimination gave a traditional role—housewif...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4542 更新日期:2014-08-22
[英语论文] 对非英语专业学生英语朗读现状的调查研究_英语论文.doc
English serves as a communication tool, which need practicing well from spoken way. If the learners learn language silently instead of speaking out, they could seldom acquire language ability. Many researches stated that reading aloud is a d...
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[英语论文] 从雪莱的《西风颂》看想象在诗中的作用_英语论文.doc
British poet Percy Bysshe Shelley is considered one of representative figures of nineteenth-century romanticism. His best-known work, “Ode to the west wind”, is a lyric including five stanzas, in which the Shelley uses lots of imaginatio...
资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币:500 资料字数:4665 更新日期:2014-08-22
[英语论文] 巴拉克·奥巴马的演讲技巧_英语论文.doc
People named the 21st century "speech era". They not only regarded public presentation as the core event of the society, but also believe it is one of the necessary competencies that contemporary people should master...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6553 更新日期:2014-08-22
[英语论文] 《喧哗与骚动》中女主人公凯蒂的悲剧原因分析_英语论文.doc
Faulkner’s writing is not expressed very clearly. So it has difficulty to be understood, therefore it is not widely read by people. Faulkner is creative and can construct a world full of imagination....
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[英语论文] 《伤心咖啡馆之歌》的生态女性主义解读_英语论文.doc
She won much reputation and some prizes. Edith Sitwell, John Houston and Henri Cartier Bresson were all fans; Richard Wright praised her “astonishing humanity” while Gore Vidal described her writing as “one of the few satisfying achiev...
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[英语论文] 《飘》中斯嘉丽和《红楼梦》中王熙凤的女性意识对比研究_英语论文.doc
In A Dream of Red Mansions, taking the decline of four clans as its background and drawing much from his own experiences, the author Cao Xueqin focused on the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and, ...
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[英语论文] 《鲁滨逊漂流记》的写作风格_英语论文.doc
They like adventures and explorations. Robinson Crusoe is a typical example. There is an extensive environment which is far away from the complex society in this tale. Only the sea is around this desolated island. No land can be seen. The ex...
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[英语论文] 英语委婉语在交际中的应用_英语论文.doc
To grasp the English euphemism can not only help us open our eyes, but also strengthen our ability of reading comprehension. This paper aims to discuss the application of euphemism in English and to make acknowledge of its social influence, ...
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[英语论文] 谈网络中文缩略新词及其英译_英语论文.doc
In the translation of network vocabularies, people use Internet abbreviated neo-vocabs to replace the long vocabularies or sentences. People use the network language frequently when surfing the Internet, or even in their lives...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6368 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 试析英汉颜色词文化内涵的差异_英语论文.doc
In different languages, color words have different meanings. Since English and Chinese belong to different families of languages, as to the same color words, they have some similarities and differences. Affected by specific features of langu...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:6080 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 如何培养高校本科生的英语自主学习能力_英语论文.doc
In the first part of the essay, it talks about the learning autonomy. It shows the definition of learning autonomy, theories related to learning autonomy, the basic characters of English learning autonomy, the basic elements affecting learni...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:7741 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 论杰克凯鲁亚克《达摩流浪者》中的极乐至福精神_英语论文.doc
As we know, the life of the marginalized figure in a society has always been an intriguing and dramatic literary subject. In Jack Kerouac’s novel The Dharma Bums, the protagonist Ray Smith (modeled after Jack Kerouac) just represents such ...
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[英语论文] 《小公主》中有关社会形态的暗示_英语论文.doc
The story was about a young girl Sara. She was sent to Miss Minchin’s school at the age of seven by her father, Captain Crewe. Sara’s mother died at her very young age, so she loved and depended on her father a lot. Miss Minchin was a wi...
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[英语论文] 《小公主》中萨拉的逆境下的品格_英语论文.doc
The author Burnett, in her own way, came to terms with the hardship she had suffered in youth. In Sara, she presents a heroine who has used her talent for self-imagination, compassion and self-assurance to comfort herself to get through the ...
资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币:500 资料字数:4931 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 《献给爱米莉的一朵玫瑰花》主题意象的悲剧性解读_英语论文.doc
Meanwhile, readers will accept that Emily is a symbol of continuity with their past, a monument outside of time, the rose, the story, a duty outside time that will not fade and die. She elicits reader’s pity. She is an elegy...
资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币:500 资料字数:5223 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 《喜福会》中的母女冲突_英语论文.doc
Although there are lots of conflicts between the mothers and the daughters, the readers are pleased to find each story ends with the reunion of the mothers and the daughters. It is through fight, communicating and reconciliation with each ot...
资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币:500 资料字数:4030 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 《喜福会》中的“美国梦”_英语论文.doc
To sum up, through the analysis of Chinese mothers’ and the second-generation Chinese daughters’ different versions of American Dreams in the Joy Luck Club, there is no denying that American Dream takes different forms. For mothers, it i...
资料包含:完整论文,开题报告,任务书 所需金币:500 资料字数:3955 更新日期:2014-08-19
[英语论文] 《狮子、女巫和橱柜》中亚斯兰的本性_英语论文.doc
“With the Aslan, here in the book published first, Lewis gives us a character who is the Jesus of Narnia. Along with the children, our excitement for him builds all the way to our meeting him” (Martindale 93). Through the analyses of ...
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[英语论文] 《六人行》第八季言外行为的幽默效果_英语论文.doc
This paper demonstrates an analysis of conversations from the American famous sitcom Friends season 8. The first part introduces Austin’s theory and illustrates Searle’s classification of illocutionary act with four important felicity co...
资料包含:完整论文 所需金币:500 资料字数:4680 更新日期:2014-08-19