译文(字数 3403):
外文原文(字符数 12318):
外文出处:by American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (Corporate Author), James R. Lilley (Editor), Chuck Downs (Editor), National Defense University Press
The People's Republic of China and Taiwan are divided not only by theTaiwan Strait but also by a gulf of political ideology and a tide of risingcultural divergence. Both Beijing and Taipei are playing a waiting game inwhich "time may not heal all wounds." Beijing prefers a peaceful unificationbetween the mainland and the islands it claims as a province, even thoughstrong elements in China believe that unification will probably be achievedonly through the use of military threats or force. Taiwan, meanwhile, hasexperienced a division between those who desire eventualunification andthose who advocate independence. The Strait has been relatively free of military conflict for a number of years, but the dynamics of China's willingness to use force and Taiwan's independence movement may be spiraling Beijing and Taipei toward greater military confrontation.………………