译文(字数 3448)
外文原文(字符数 10956)
Average consumer, the unfair commercial practices directive, and the cognitive revolution(selection)
Social influence also plays an important role as consumers may purchase goods for more than just their functional value (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982; Olshavsky & Granbois, 1979). Many acquire goods for their symbolic value (Bagozzi, Gurhan-Canli & Priester, 2002; Jacoby, 2000) and for the enhanced social status conferred by the visible ownership of certain goods. Many people, for example, feel that they would lose face if they were to drive an out-of-date car. In markets for such status goods, consumers’ preferences are determined in part by the visible purchasing behaviour of certain other consumers. What each consumer deems to be fashionable is determined in significant measure by the observed purchasing behaviour of those consumers he or she admires and whose lifestyle he or she wishes to emulate. This is known as the ‘like-agree’ heuristic. Marketers try to influence consumers in this way by putting famous people in their advertisements.