译文(字数 3428):
外文原文(字符数 10762):
外文出处: 〔美〕Matin T.Hagan Howard B.Demuth Mark H.Beale[M].戴葵译.北京:机械工业出版社,2002
Now the stock market investment has become an important everyday part of life,however, the benefits and risks of stock market is often directly proportional to the investment income that is higher, the risks may be greater. As more and more people into the stock market investment activity, they urgently need an effective method that can maximize revenue and reduce risk. Currently, the western financial sector technical analysis theory research focuses on two aspects: there is movement of the price for the statistical support; research is based on technical analysis trading rules, access to more direct empirical support. Some researchers used the fractal and chaos theory to explain the stock market price behavior, and get better results, as well as Bayesian statistics, artificial intelligence and other methods ………………