译文(字数 3723):
Perrewe 和Ganster(cf. McKee, Markham, &Scott, 1992)提出一个专业术语“数量超负荷”,指在给定时间内,工作量超出了个人所能承受的状态。French 和 Caplan 1973年描述了另一种情境,“质量超负荷”,即交代的工作或任务要求较高,超出了个人所能发挥的能力。特别是现在处于角色转换期的大学毕业生,所要承受的工作压力更大,无论是数量还是质量上对他们而言都是超负荷。………………
原文(字符数 11683):
外文出处:Hess Allen K., Walfish Steven.: Succeeding in graduate school : the career guide for psychology students, L. Erlbaum Associates, 2001, 129th page to 158th page.
Organizational factors and job roles may exert great stressors on individuals. There are several factors that may increase graduate students’ strain.
Work overload
Perrewe and Ganster (cf. McKee, Markham, &Scott, 1992) used the term quantitative overload to define a situation in which the amount of work exceeds what an individual can reasonably accomplish in a given period of time. French and Caplan (1973) described qualitative overload as working on tasks that demand high standards stretching beyond a worker’s abilities or training.………………