译文(字数 13235):
摘要:两个焦点小组的参与者在国家农村社会工作会议上回答研究问题,“对于社会工作者在农村进行有效的乡村实践你有什么建议吗? 参与者提供社会工作实践的具体建议与农村居民和社区。从他们的经历来看以及社会工作实践者在农村的设置使他们支持这些建议。文本数据来自转录录音带的焦点小组被编码到开放、轴向、选择性数据主题。虽然普遍性是有的,这小样本的社会工作者提供了一个瞥见他们的观点的农村实践。他们提供实际、实事求是的建议为农村社会工作实践者在主要数据主题社区、连接、通才实践,和多样性………………
外文原文(字符数 41827):
外文出处:http://www.sopdf.com/zh-hans/ Joanne Riebschleger
Two focus groups of participants at a national rural social work conference answered the research question, “What are your suggestions for engaging in effective social worker practice in rural areas?” The participants offered specific recommendations for social work practice with rural people and communities. They supported these recommendations with illustrations from their experiences as social work practitioners in rural settings. Text data drawn from transcribed audiotapes of the focus groups were coded into open, axial, and selective data themes. While generalizability is limited, this small sample of social workers offered a glimpse of their views of rural practice. They offered practical, down-to-earth advice for rural social work practitioners within main data themes of community, connections, generalist practice, and diversity.………………