译文(字数 4709):
作者:B. Elango;Yu-Luen; Ma Nat Pope
外文原文(字符数 14141):
An Investigation Into The Diversification-Performance Relationship In The U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry
B. Elango; Yu-Luen Ma; Nat Pope
Table 3 shows estimations of the parameters from the fixed-effect models on both return on assets (ROA) and risk-adjusted return on asset (RAROA). Model specifications for both the Entropy Measure and the modified Herfindahl Index are reported. The empirical results show a nonmonotonic relationship between the level of product diversification (PDIV) and firm performance and evidence of this relationship was found in both versions of product diversification measurement. Product diversification (PDIV), geographic diversification (GEODIV), and the interaction terms of these two variables are found to be statistically. These results indicate that an interactive relationship exists between product diver -sification and geographic diversification .The main results for the ROA and RAROA models are consistent with each other. Similarly, the main results using the alternative performance measures of ROE and RAROE are generally supportive of the ROA and RAROA results. This is especially true with respect to the models using the Entropy Measure of diversification.