译文(字数 4350):
外文原文(字符数 12790):
How Emerging Giants Can Take on the World
Many of today’s emerging giants face an existential threat they didn’t see coming: The headlong growth that put them on the map isn’t enough to sustain them when their industries mature or their geographic markets experience the kind of cool down that’s occurring right now in China and India. Companies in developing countries are often so focused on chasing growth that they fail to invest in improving their capabilities in areas such as innovation, operations, and brand management. So even if they have enormous reach and revenues in the billions, they’re unprepared when growth slows and competition from increasingly savvy developed-world multinationals intensifes. They lack the tools—and the structure—to remain proftable in a slower economic environment by becoming efficient and gaining competitive advantage in new markets. Some, including the once high-fLying Chinese automakers BYD and Chery, have landed hard. It’s critical that the next generation of emerging-market corporations heed this lesson and develop enterprise capabilities from the very beginning—even as they battle for early advantage by seizing nascent business opportunities. Great Wall, which has seemingly emerged from nowhere to become one of China’s most successful automakers, and the appliance maker Haier, which in 30 years trans-formed itself from a local manufacturer of poor-quality refrigerators into a world class competitor, have achieved this ambidexterity .Unless emerging- market companies can become capabilities-driven, they’re doomed to follow BYD and Chery —and may eventually fall victim to a shakeout in their industries.