译文(字数 11502):
T. Michael Toole, P.E., M.ASCE
摘 要
虽然职业安全与健康法案通过30几年,但参与工地安全建设项目的作用远未尘埃落定。这尤其迎合建筑师和工程师。一个施工现场安全的突出文本,Levitt 和 Samelson 甚至都没有提及角色。然而,在最近几年,业内专业人士一直在关注几个高知名度的诉讼和职业安全健康管理局OSHA ,裁决中A / ES事故责任由工作在现场的建筑工人承担。最近试图修改土木工程师的美国社会施工现场安全ASCE 政策声明表示没有对现场安全职责范围内作ASCE协议。
本文的目的是帮助澄清在现场安全设计和施工的专业人士的角色。本文首先呈现了现场安全的一份调查,表明A /Es、总承包商GC和分包商对现场安全到底谁负责没有统一的意见。然后,对为什么关于现场安全责任没有统一的意见建立学说,并提出建筑事故的因果模型。最后,基于实体防止建筑事故能力有限对现场安全责任也有限,这种分析可以在现场安全角色上建立一种公平实际的假想。
刘易斯堡,助理教授,土木与环境工程系,巴克内尔大学,PA 17837
外文原文(字符数 42775):
Construction Site Safety Roles
T. Michael Toole, P.E., M.ASCE1
Abstract:A survey of design engineers, general contractors, and subcontractors indicates there is not uniform agreement on the site safety responsibilities that should be assumed by each of these groups. Possible explanations for this lack of shared expectations regarding site safety roles are discussed. It is suggested that specific site safety responsibilities be assigned on future projects based on each group’s ability to control the factors needed to prevent eight root causes of construction accidents.
DOI: 10.1061/~ASCE!0733-9364~2002!128:3~203!
CE Database keywords: Construction industry; Occupational safety; Construction site accidents.
Although the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed 30 years ago, the respective roles of the various parties involved in construction projects for site safety are far from settled. This is particularly true for architects and engineers ~A/Es!, i.e., design professionals. One of the salient texts on construction site safety ~Levitt and Samelson 1987! does not even mention the role of the A/Es. Yet in recent years, industry professionals have been following several high-profile lawsuits and Occupational Safety and Health Administration ~OSHA! rulings in which A/Es have been held responsible for accidents suffered on the job site by construction workers ~Lunch 1995, 1997; Smith 1998; ‘‘Court’’ 1999; Korman et al. 1999; Loulakis and Santiago 2000!. Recent attempts to modify the American Society of Civil Engineers ~ASCE! Policy Statement 350 on construction site safety indicate there is not agreement within ASCE on the members’ site safety responsibilities ~Toole and Gambatese 2002!.
The objective of this paper is to help clarify the roles of design and construction professionals in site safety. The paper first presents the results of a survey on site safety expectations that indicate that A/Es, general contractors ~GCs!, and subcontractors are not uniformly agreed on which group should have primary responsibility for site safety. Next, reasons why there are not common expectations about site safety responsibilities are theorized. A causal model about construction accidents is then proposed, and factors associated with each cause are identified. Finally, the respective abilities of the entities typically involved with construction projects to influence these factors are analyzed. This analysis can be used to establish fair and practical expectations on site safety roles based on the assumption that entities that have limited abilities to prevent construction accidents should also have limited responsibility for site safety.