译文(字数 8868):
Petter Osmundsen,Terje Aven,Jan Erik Vinnem
斯塔万格大学 产业经济学和风险管理部,挪威 斯塔万格
摘 要
第一章 简介
外文原文(字符数 29843):
Safety, economic incentives and insurance in the Norwegian petroleum industry
Petter Osmundsen, Terje Aven, Jan Erik Vinnem
Department of Industrial Economics and Risk Management, University of Stavanger, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway
Received 1 March 2005; received in revised form 16 March 2006; accepted 13 November 2006
Available online 17 January 2007
There is an increased use of key performance indicators and incentive schemes in the petroleum industry. Applying modern incentive theory, we explore what implications this management trend has for injury and major accident prevention efforts and safety. Can economic incentives be designed for accident prevention activities? In cases where this is not possible, what are the challenges for the safety efforts? In particular, how are safety efforts affected by enhanced economic incentives for other performance dimensions like production and rate of return? Can safety be neglected? What remedies are available?
Keywords: Safety; Economic incentives; Key performance indicators
1. Introduction
Who bears the costs of a major accident? From the perspective of incentive theory this is a vital question, as it determines the economic incentives to prevent such accidents. All things equal, and in a narrow economic sense, the incentives for a company to prevent accidents are higher if higher fraction of the damages borne by the company. But companies generally prefer to avoid this type of low-frequency events that potentially may have high damages. They typically respond to this in two ways: (1) exerting efforts to reduce accident risk, and (2) taking out insurance. The latter is to reduce the probability of bankruptcy, and is often a requirement to obtain financing. It is worth noting, in our context, that insurance reverses the economic incentive effect, as it alleviates the economic consequences of accidents. We explore the trade-off between incentives for accident prevention (injury or major accident prevention) and the risk-spreading of insurance contracts. The oil industry is used as an illustrative case.