译文(字数 9540):
外文原文(字符数 30903):
What is safety science
Terje Aven *
This paper addresses the issue of how to understand safety science as a concept. Several definitions of safety are reviewed and discussed, including the interpretations that safety is the absence of undesirable events and accidents and that safety is the antonym of risk. Reflections are also made on what science means in relation to safety. It is argued that safety science can be viewed as knowledge about safety related issues, and the development of concepts, theories, principles and methods to understand, assess, communicate and manage (in a broad sense) safety. In addition we may speak about science safety as a discipline, covering the totality of relevant educational programmes, journals, papers, researchers, research groups and societies, etc.© 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Keywords: Safety concept; Safety science; Risk perspective; Risk assessment
1 Introduction
To study the concept ‘‘safety science’’ the natural point of departure is the scope and aims of this journal, Safety Science. We read from the journal’s website:
Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of human safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, lei-sure and home, as well as every other field of man’s hazardous activities.
Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Its contributors and its audience range from psychologists to chemical engineers. The journal covers the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policy and organizational aspects; the management of risks; the effectiveness of control techniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance, costing aspects, human behavior and safety and the like.