译文(字数 3770):
摘 要 随着我国金融体系建设的进一步发展和市场体制的迅速完善,银行的贷款业务逐渐向个人完全展开,个人贷款的业务种类不断增多,业务范围持续扩大,特别是个人住房贷款业务的发展更为迅猛。我国个人住房贷款业务在其发展的同时,存在的不良信贷风险问题以及竞争形势不容乐观,在一定程度上阻碍了个人住房贷款业务的发展,要持续快速发展,必须加强对一系列问题的研究管理。本文从分析目前不良贷款的情况,指出存在的问题以及问题出现的原因,并着重针对商业银行对不良贷款的回收和管理,借鉴先进的经验教训,并提出思考及相应对策进行管理,以加快这一业务的正确快速发展。
关键词: 不良贷款 管理 回收
外文原文(字符数 12546):
Applied Economics, the Dryden Press, 2006 P75-78.
Non-performing Loans Management and Recovery
William J. Bauman and Alan S. Blinder
With the deepening of China's economic system reform development and continuous improvement of the system of the market economy, banks ' lending business becomes completely open to individuals, personal loans of business growing, continues to expand the scope of business, especially the development of individual housing loan more quickly. Personal housing loan business in China at the time of its development, there are bad credit risks as well as the competitive situation is not optimistic, to a certain extent, hamper the development of individual housing loans, to sustainable development, research management must be strengthened on a number of issues. This article from the current development status of individual housing loan business to start, pointed out that because of the existing problems as well as problems and focus on how to develop personal housing loan bad credit risk reduction, foreign experiences and lessons learned, and thoughts and countermeasures for management, to promote the healthy and rapid development of the business.
Key words: Housing loans to individuals; Bad credit risks; present situation; problem; Countermeasure