译文(字数 3281):
外文原文(字符数 11866):
外文出处: International Journal of business and management[J]January2009
The Study of Financial Risk in M&A
JohnA . Douka
M &A is a risky activity. M & A business, whether in the preparation stage, or in the operational phase of the merger, or post-integration phase, will be accompanied by a large number of uncertainties. These uncertainties brought about by mergers and acquisitions could lead to a huge financial risk. In particular, more domestic enterprises have chosen the path of M & A. This article focuses on the various stages of the merger vulnerable to financial risks, and risks of these raised a number of preventive measures.
Keywords: M&A, Financial risk, Preventive measures
In the west countries, M&A have a history about more than 100 years, and transactions have been expanding. The 5th wave of global mergers and acquisitions peaked in 2000.In our country, M&A become more and more popular. For example, many companies step up the pace of overseas expansion and M&A. However, , many companies choose M&A to tide over the difficulties. As we known, M&A must have risks, for instance: estimate of target firms, choice of transaction method, or financial risks. How can avoid these risks? Which method should we choose? This is the purpose of this article.