译文(字数 4130):
在美国,一个“专业护理机构”或“民营护理机构”是指一个注册参加并可以医疗保险报销的机构。联邦医疗保险方案主要是为那些在工作时为社会保障和医疗保险做出贡献的老年人而设的,护理基金是指给予那些得到认证并参与了医疗报销的养老院的资金。联邦医疗补助计划是为每个国家提供医疗及相关服务,并为那些所谓的“穷人”实施的。所谓的“穷人”是指每个国家确定的给予老人,残疾人或儿童医疗补助的资格(如儿童的健康保险计划 -芯片和母婴保健和食品方案)。
外文原文(字符数 16154):
Nursing home care
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Nursing home) MedlinePlus. Retrieved 2012-06-15
A nursing home, convalescent home, Skilled Nursing Unit (SNU), care home or rest home provides a type of care of residents: it is a place of residence for people who require constant nursing care and have significant deficiencies with activities of daily living[citation needed]. Residents include the elderly and younger adults with physical or mental disabilities. Residents in a skilled nursing facility may also receive physical, occupational, and other rehabilitative therapies following an accident or illness. Residents may have certain legal rights depending on the location of the facility.