译文(字数 4297):
关键词:人力资源尽职调查 人力资本审计 文化尽职调查
外文原文(字符数 14038):
HR due diligence before acquisition
Review: Papers related research shows that HR due diligence for the acquisition is successful, effective post-merger integration have a significant impact, due diligence, the main focus of human resources human resources to promote the integration of risk factors and the information content of two aspects. To carry out due diligence HR HR practitioners need to have the appropriate knowledge and experience to the acquisition, to follow certain steps.
Paper Keywords: HR due diligence audit of human capital, cultural due diligence
Bain & Company study of 40 mergers and acquisitions in recent years showed that prior to the acquisition of human resources to do due diligence after the successful integration of acquisitions will be of great help. But the acquisition of HR due diligence before trading is often overlooked, according to a US Conference Board study of the United States and Europe found that 88 major companies in the feedback the company human resources included in the merger plan is less than 1/4. This phenomenon is more severe in some emerging countries, Hewitt's latest report shows that emerging market