译文(字数 3170):
外文原文(字符数 10733):
外文出处 Hirota SUYAMA.A NEW TECHNOLOGY OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS[J].KANSEI Engineering International, 2010, (4):57-62.
To obtain intelligence (valuable information) by using the so-called accounting data, such as P/L (profit and loss statement) and B/S (balance sheet), we have long been using either the du Pont system or the Gregory method (converting an increase or decrease in the balance of each item in the balance sheet into a pattern and rating the managerial skill during the period covered) or an improved version of either of these methods.
Basic trust in the du Pont system is high. I think this is natural because the du Pont system has diverse essential advantages. For example;
(1)The indicator of the return on investment (ROI), the core of the du Pont system, inherits, unaltered, the direction of the Mediterranean venture business of the remote past.
(2) All indicators are combined systematically, and their theoretical relations with corporate activities are easy to understand.
(3) Use of this system leads one to automatically understand accounting information.
(4) Dynamic corporate activities by setting targets as in a process become possible as a way to improve the return on investment, a lure to outsiders, such as shareholders.
One of the common themes required of researchers and specialists in accounting, including me, is to discover and develop a method to replace the du Pont system.
My present concern is what will happen if the processof improving the return on investment, the core of the du Pont system, is analyzed by applying data mining which is penetrating the business community, particularly the distribution industry, with tremendous speed.