译文(字数 3433)
外文原文(字符数 10984)
Evaluating mediation in the Environment Court
Jan Crawford
Director, Planning Consultants Ltd, Auckland
Resource Management Theory and Practice,2008,8(1):2-31
The New Zealand planning model, as set out in the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA or the Act), is rational-adaptive. Rational-adaptive approaches involve an iterative relationship between research and analysis on one hand, and public consultation and participation on the other. In this model, scientific methods provide data and information that informs policy development while public participation shapes the policy and builds commitment to its implementation. Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of plans and processes is an integral part of the model and leads to better policy-making and implementation.
Environmental conflict resolution is one of the many ways in which the RMA promotes achievement of its purpose - sustainable management of natural and physical resources (s 5). Participation, community empowerment and capacity-building are elements underpinning sustainable management. Mediation empowers the parties to take responsibility for resolving disputes and, in the process, ownership of the outcomes. It therefore assists in promoting sustainable management. Notwithstanding, environmental conflict resolution techniques, including mediation, are not widely used in local government. There is an opportunity to improve planning practice by learning how to make better use of these methods.