译文(字数 3450)
帕克JC.整个学说:解开神秘的保险代位权[J].Mo.l .牧师.2005年,70:723.
外文原文(字符数 12831)
The Made Whole Doctrine: Unraveling the Enigma Wrapped in the Mystery of Insurance Subrogation
Johnny C.Parker
Parker J C. Made Whole Doctrine: Unraveling the Enigma Wrapped in the Mystery of Insurance Subrogation[J]. Mo. L. Rev., 2005, 70: 723.
Subrogation exists in the law as a mechanism for insurers to recover the costs of reimbursing injured insured parties.The right of subrogation is extremely important to insurers.The inclusion of provisions recognizing the right of insurance companies to seek subrogation or reimbursement for payments made in the event of a loss are the norm for almost every type of insurance contract.It is not uncommon for insurers to include both subrogation and reimbursement provisions in a policy.Consequently,every insurance company has established within its claims process a procedure for enforcing its interest in being repaid through both subrogation and reimbursement.
Application of the doctrine of subrogation often occurs at the expense of the insured.As a result,the common law developed the made whole doctrine,which limits the use of subrogation prior to an insured party receiving full compensation for damages.The primary purpose of this article is to explore the made whole doctrine as the principal weapon used by contemporary courts to curb the harsh effect of contractual subrogation on the rights of the insured.Section I of this article provides an overview of the expansion and use of subrogation in various types of insurance contracts