译文(字数 5129)
外文原文(字符数 15306)
hidden advertising
so-called hidden advertising, as opposed to "explicit advertising" is concerned, it is also known as "product placement" or "embedded advertising. The reason was called "hidden", mainly referring to it hidden in the vector and vector integration, together constitute the audience felt the real or perceived through the fantasy part of the information content in the unconscious state of the audience, will show the product or brand information unknowingly to the audience (consumers), thus achieving the desired spread of advertisers target.
Although at first glance does not look like ads hidden advertising, but it has the essential characteristics of advertising: it has a clear advertisers (for example, the film brought a brand product), clearer advertising purposes (for example, demonstrate new product features or to improve brand awareness), the specific ad content (eg, brand names, product function display), the more specific your audience (for example, the film audience), and to pay a fee to the communication carriers. These are all constitute "advertising" the basic elements.