译文(字数 2940)
(约瑟夫·R·多米尼克.大众传播动力学:数字时代的媒介 第七版 )
外文原文(字符数 8106)
(Joseph·R·Dominick.The Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in the Digital Age. Seventh Edition )
Viewers who watched the webcast of “The Drew Carey Show” mentioned above saw a tiny image, a little blurry around the edges, that looked a little primitive. During the late 1920s, the earliest experimenters with television were also straining to see tiny, blurry images.
The two men who developed television in the United States could not have been more different. At the age of 16, Philo Farnsworth diagrammed his idea for a television system on the chalkboard in front of his somewhat amazed high school teacher. Farnsworth, an individualistic and lone-wolf inventor, worked at developing his new device, which he called an image dissector, and eventually patented it in 1930. In contrast, Vladimir Zworykin was an organization man, working first with Westinghouse and then with RCA. By 1928, he had perfected a primitive camera tube the iconoscope.