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外文原文(字符数 14290)

The article information

Keith C. Russell, Chuck Harris (2001): Dimensions of Community

Autonomy in Timber Towns in the Inland Northwest. Society & Natural Resources.  Dec 2010

Political, social, and economic dimensions of timber-dependent communities in the Interior Columbia Basin were examined based on their perceived level of autonomy. Community autonomy is definedŽ as the extent to which communities are economically, socially, and politically linked to neighboring communities and the region as a whole. In comparison to less autonomous communities, autonomous communities were found to be more likely to (1) have a mix of industries within their community and provide more services to residents; (2) exhibit stronger civic leadership, aside from local community government; (3) have a stronger sense of community cohesiveness and place attachment to their community; and (4) rate their community higher on measures of quality of life and sense of community. The research also found that more autonomous communities tend to be geographically isolated and more able to adapt to changes in timber resource availability. Implications of these Žfindings for the future of timber-based communities are explored.

Keywords autonomy, community cohesiveness, economic diversity, ecosystem management, Interior Columbia Basin, timber dependent 

