译文(字数 3141)
其他名字:斯卡伯勒礁;黄岩岛;民主礁;Panatag浅滩;Panacot 浅滩;Bajo de Masinloc;Karburo
斯卡伯勒浅滩或斯卡伯勒礁,也被称为黄岩岛(简体中文:黄岩岛;繁体中文:黃岩島;拼音:Huángyán Dǎo)或Panatag浅滩(菲律宾:kulumpol ng Panatag),位于中国南海中沙群岛和菲律宾吕宋岛之间。将它描述为附加在环状珊瑚礁内的一组岩石或非常小的岛屿会比把它描述为一个浅滩更为准确。
外文原文(字符数 9957)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,2012-5-29
Disputed island
Other names:Scarborough Reef;Huangyan Island;Minzhu Jiao;Panatag Shoal;Panacot Shoal;Bajo de Masinloc;Karburo
Scarborough Shoal or Scarborough Reef, also known as Huangyan Island (simplified Chinese: 黄岩岛; traditional Chinese: 黃岩島; pinyin: Huángyán Dǎo) or Panatag Shoal (Filipino: Kulumpol ng Panatag), is located between the Macclesfield Bank and Luzon Island of the Philippines in the South China Sea. It is more correctly described as a group of rocks or very small islands plus reefs in an atoll shape, rather than as a shoal.
It is a disputed territory claimed by the People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), and the Philippines. The shoal's status is often discussed in conjunction with other territorial disputes in the South China Sea such as those involving the Spratly Islands or the Paracel Islands. Since the 2012 Scarborough Shoal standoff, access to the territory has been restricted by the People's Republic of China.
The shoal was named after the East India Company tea-trade ship Scarborough which was wrecked on one of its rocks on 12 September 1784 with all lives lost.