译文(字数 3055)
1 WebGIS技术的特点及近期发展
WebGIS是网络地理信息系统的运行,这是在互联网上的升级和发展的TRAditional GIS万维网上。它改变了传统的GIS的运行模式,使用户访问存储在远程WebGIS的各种空间参考信息源服务器通过方便和廉价的互联网和统一的用户界面(浏览器)。目前,WebGIS是在其初始阶段。它的最终目标是实现地理信息系统和网络的有机耦合,GIS与Web相结合。节点用户可以从任何Web浏览空间数据,绘制专题地图,进行空间查询和分析,甚至做出预测和决策,直接在互联网上(香港,刘,1998年),一方面增加GIS功能的Web信息发布的系统,带来方便用户查询信息,另一方面,通过Web带来的电力GIS系统更广泛的领域,使GIS成为真正可操作的,切实可行的,并共享技术。
外文原文(字符数 8296)
1 The feature and recent development of WebGIS technology
WebGIS is network GIS running on Internet, which is the upgrading and development of traditional GIS on World Wide Web. It changes the running mode of traditional GIS and make usersaccess to all sorts of spatially referenced information sources which are stored in remote WebGIS server through the convenient and cheap Internet and uniform user interface (Browser). At present,
WebGIS is in its initial stages. Its final target is realizing the organic coupling of GIS and Web,combining GIS with Web. From any Web node users can browse spatial data, draw thematic maps,perform spatial query and analysis and even make prediction and decision just directly on Internet(KONG, LIU, 1998), which on the one hand add the function of GIS to Web information publishing system, bringing convenience for user to query information through Web, on the other hand,bring the power of GIS to more wide fields and make GIS become really operable, practicable and sharable technique.