译文(字数 3099):
外文原文(字符数 10146):
外文出处: _ A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System
The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism(excerpt)
With a rapid development of Economic Globalization,trade transactions among countries are of a higher and higher frequence,and as a result all kinds of disputes arising from trade transactions emerge quickly and endlessly.Partly for this reason, WTO dispute settlement mechanism plays a more and more important role in settling trade disputes between members of WTO. It is no doubt that WTO dispute settlement mechanism has achieved a remarkable success after it is established. However, there are still many drawbacks and problems existing in this mechanism.It is of obvious necessity to amend it in order to satisfy the needs of WTO members.In order to improve WTO dispute settlement mechanism and realize aims of this mechanism, members of WTO have submitted many suggestions for its reform and meanwhile theroretical research on reform of WTO dispute settlememt mechanism becomes a very hot topic in recent years.