译文(字数 2285)
Jun Moriyama
摘要 该研究的目的是明确初中学生自我效能感和信息教育的学习经验的关系。在该研究中两项调查已经被实施过。第一个调查的目的是把握学生信息教育的学习经验的成效体验的现状特征。另外第二个调查目的是去澄清学生自我效能感和在信息教育中提升的信息利用能力之间的关系。“你认为什么类型的学习经验在你的生活中是有用的?”作为第一个调查的问题被用于对426名初中生的调查。结果是:几乎一半的学生都对“信息与计算机”课程上获得的计算机操作技巧感到有效的。这也表明了对互联网的利用能提升当前日常生活中的成效感。自我效能和信息利用能力的关系作为第二次调查已对544名初中生(的调查)用回归分析来检查。结果显示,信息利用能力是被自我效能感中的“能力的社会地位”和“对活动的积极态度”的自我评价所影响。此外,自我效能也受到信息利用能力中的“处理信息的能力”和“信息创造能力”的影响。这些调查表明,这两个因素之间是相互促进,渐进循环的。根据这些结果研究者等也提出了一些对改进信息教育的课堂活动的建议
外文原文(字符数 10863)
作者:Jun Moriyama
书名:Self-efficacy and learning experience of education: in case of junior high school
Abstract The purpose of this study is to make clear the relationships between student's self-efficacy and learning experience of information education in case of junior high school. Two investigations were implemented in this study. The aim of first investigation was to grasp the present status of students'feeling of effectiveness of their learning experience in information education. Also, the aim of second investigation was to verify the relationships between students’ self-efficacy and the abilities for information utilizing that promoted in information education. The first investigation with a question:"What kind of a learning experience do you feel is useful in your life?" was conducted on 426 junior high school students. As a result,almost half of the students feel effectiveness of gaining computer-operating skills in"Information and Computer"class. Also, it is suggested that utilization of Internet could promote the feeling of effectiveness in current daily lives. In second investigation, the relationship between self-efficacy and abilities for information utilizing was examined by using multi-regression analysis on 544 junior high school students. As a result, abilities for information utilizing were affected from self-evaluation of"social position of abilities"and"positive attitude to activities"in self-efficacy. Also, self-efficacy was affected from"processing ability of information"and "creation ability of information"in abilities for information utilizing. By the results of these investigations, it is suggested that these two factors are formed as a gradual cycle which promote each other. From these results, some suggestions for improvement of classroom activities in information education were proposed .