译文(字数 4743)
外文原文(字符数 16088)
Preservice and inservice teachers’ perceptions of appropriateness of teacher self-disclosure
Ms. Smith, an experienced Caucasian art teacher, was teaching her fifth-grade students how to design a room. She told her students that she was building a house and she showed a drawing of her house as an example and explained the meaning of each symbol. She also went into depth about how she utilized all the space possible. Then she had her students plan out a new room for their school such as a gym or a recess room. The students were asked to explain what each part of the room would be used for as she did. During the lesson, the students would ask questions like ‘‘Why are you moving there?’’, ‘‘Who will be living with you?’’, ‘‘Is your husband building your house?’’ She answered the questions without going into a lot of details but allowed the questions to be asked and answered.
– Teacher candidate’s classroom observation in 2006.