译文(字数 4870):
在这个意义上,贝尼(2006)指出,购买决策关于旅游产品的结果从一个复杂的过程中,消费者是受内部和外部因素影响的,其中,有个人激励因素、个性收入处理财富,家庭和专业承诺 过去的经历、兴趣爱好、个人兴趣、知识的假期、生活方式和态度观点和知觉过程有关的信息。
外文原文(字符数 17138):
Literature Review
Tourist Consum er Behavior
The behavior ofthe consumer ofthe tourist product in the process ofdecision taking is influenced by a series of deterministic and internal and external motivators’factors.And,according to Swarbrooke and Homer(2002),these factors,in general,are not quantified.
In that sense,Beni(2006)states that the purchase decision regarding a tourist product results from a complex process in which consumer is influenced by internal and external factors And as intern al factors,there are personal motivators,personality income disposal wealth, family and professional commitments
Past experiences,hobbies and personal interests, knowledge of holidays,life style and attitudes opinions and perception process regarding information received.
For extemal factors,there are products adequacy availability,trip agents advices,information received from destination,tourism organizations,transport firms to take consumer from home to destination,,family and friends word of mouth recomm endations,health issues ,special promotions offerings from tourism organizations and destination clime(Beni,2006).