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2022年03月14日 更新 “TO论文”相关信息

撒谎中的非言语行为规范--美剧Lie to Me为例_英语论文.doc

The paper first gives a general introduction in Chapter One, and literature review about lying and nonverbal behavior in Chapter Two. In Chapter Three, the nonverbal behavior codes in lying are studied with specific demonstrations exemplifie...
分类:自考英语论文 - 字数:7072

基于原生JavaScript的To Do List页面开发.doc

分类:计算机信息 - 字数:6065

基于情境教学理论下对You’re supposed to shake hands的教学设计.doc

分类:英语教学论文 - 字数:15427


分类:商务英语论文 - 字数:7314


The infinitive in English language is a multifunctional lexical device which can be placed in various places of a sentence, as its name indicates, it is non-finite. In this way, there tends to be less grammatical restrictions for it to collo...
分类:大学英语论文 - 字数:7139

Cause Analysis of and Solutions to Pauses in Interpreting.doc

Hence a systematic study of pause in interpreting and delicate its cause analysis will contribute to researching deep into its mechanism of formation and optimizing interpretation teaching, which aims to improving interpreting performance of...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:8336

How to Use Multimedia to Enhance L2 Learning and Acquisition in Classroom.doc

Therefore, the thesis is an attempt to explore a multimedia foreign language teaching model with the reference of some well-known linguistic, educational and psychological methods. First, the thesis will discuss the positive and negative inf...
分类:英语论文 - 字数:10915

基于B to C电子商务环境下A企业的物流配送模式研究.doc

在电子商务的几种模式当中,物流对B to C电子商务模式的影响和制约毫无争议的最大.这是因为在B to C模式下,由于一般分散客户所需的商品较少,且所购商品大都是价格比较低廉的小件...
分类:工商管理 - 字数:13859