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资料分类毕业文献 责任编辑:论文小助手更新时间:04-18







1 Conversion

In English, a word belongs to a certain word class, and sometimes must be converted into different parts of speech in order to produce a readable and coherent sentence, and business English translation of the same situation. Look at the following examples:

(1) English sentence: It will be greatly appreciated if you will give us your quotation.

In this sentence, the “quotation” is converted into “报价”.

(2) English sentence: The failure of the company was caused by improper management.

In the sentence, the “failure” is converted into ‘破产”.

(3) English sentence: The buyers may, within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the destination, lodge a claim against the sellers for short weight being supported by Inspection Certificate issued by a reputable public surveyor.

In this sentence, the “arrival” is converted into “抵达”.

From the above example, we can see that it is common to use English nouns to express various behaviors. However, for Chinese, verbs are usually used to express actions. Therefore, we need to convert some English nouns into Chinese verbs to adapt to the expression of Chinese.

2 Addition and Amplification

Adding the subject, object, conjunction and preposition grammatically can make the translation correct and precise. 

2.1. Adding the Subject

English Sentence: It gives us great pleasure to see that we have agreed upon an exclusive distributorship agreement.

Chinese Translation:我们为双方已达成一个独家经销协议感到非常高兴。

2.2. Adding the Object

English Sentence: We shall ship Contract No.122 by s.s “President” due to sail from our port to your port or about May 21.

Chinese translation:我方将通过“总统”号货轮装运第122号合同项下的货物,该货物定于5月21日前后从本港驶往贵港。

3 Reiteration

Reiteration includes repetition of lexical items. A reiterated item may be repetition of an earlier item, a synonym, near-synonym, or a super ordinate. It is widely used in business contract, letter and newspapers, emphasizing the important role of meaning to avoid misunderstandings in the whole sentence or text. As an example:

(1) English Sentence: The seller shall pay all the custom duties and tariffs for export of the equipment.

Translation: 买方必须支付出口设备的所有关税。

The “custom duties” and “tariffs” are synonymies expressing the same meaning, but according to Chinese usage, they are rendered into one word “关税” to avoid redundancy.

4 Avoiding

4.1 Avoiding the Repetition of Nouns

English Sentence:For years the figures showing the quantities of rubber shipped by you have been in a complete mess up. Discrepancies were often found among those stated in you cable, indicated in the manifests and in the original and duplicate bills of lading as well as of the loaded goods reported by the ship agent.

Chinese Translation: 多年来贵方提供的橡胶,装船数字及其紊乱,贵方电报通知的数量,船代提供的装船数量,舱单的数量,副本提单的数量和正本提单的数量经常不一致。

“ably repeated five times in the source数量” is inevitably five times in the source language, however, in the target language this repetition should be avoided. Here the pronoun “those” is used to achieve charity and coherence.

4.2 Avoiding the Repetition of Adjectives

English sentence: Your packing terms are unacceptable to us, and the price is even more so.

Chinese Translation: 贵方的包装条件无法接受,价格更无法接受。

A special form of substitution is to use synonyms to substitute the repetitive elements.

6.5 Inversion

The Attributive and adverbial in business letters appear frequently appear frequently. Appropriate flip in the translation process helps to make the language fluent. For example:

English Sentence: Should all or part of the agreement and its appendices be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party, the breaching party shall be responsible for it.

Chinese Translation: 由于乙方过失,致使不能履行或不能完全履行本协议及其附件时,由过失方承担违约责任。


5 Compressing

Compression means compressing a compound sentence into a single sentence. For examples:

English Sentence: The most significant liberalization measures were the easing of exchange controls in the three major industrial countries that had maintained such controls---France, Japan and the United Kingdom. This relaxation permitted residents of those countries access to foreign currency investments, thereby increasing the substitutability of domestic and foreign assets.

Chinese Translation: 最重要的开放措施是一直保持外汇控制的三个主要工业国---法国、日本和英国---放松了这些控制,这些国家的居民因此能够从事外汇投资,从而增加国内和国外资产的替代性。