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资料分类任务书范文 责任编辑:论文小助手更新时间:03-17



1. Introduction

2. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

2.1Introduction of Humor

 2.1.1 Definition of Humor

 2.1.2 Classification of Humor

 2.2 Introduction of Cooperative Principle

 2.2.1 Four Maxims of Cooperative Principle

 2.2.2 Violation of Cooperative Principle

2.3 Overseas and Domestic Research Status 

3. Violation of Cooperative Principle of Humorous Lines in The Big Bang Theory 

3.1Introduction of The Big Bang Theory

3.2 Violation of Quantity maxim and Humor Production

 3.2.1More Information

3.2.2 Less Information

3.3 Violation of Quality Maxim and Humor Production

 3.3.1 Lack of Evidence

3.3.2 False Contribution

3.4 Violation of Relation Maxim and Humor Production

3.5 Violation of Manner Maxim and Humor Production

 3.5.1 Obscurity of Expression

 3.5.2 Ambiguity of Expression

 3.5.3 Prolixity of Expression

 3.5.4 Disorder of Expression

4. Effects on Humorous Communication of Violation of Cooperative Principle in The Big Bang Theory

4.1 Realizing Sarcasm 

4.2 Getting Rid of Embarrassment

4.3 Shaping Personal Image

5. Conclusion 



2014年10月中旬 提供选题。

2014年11月初 完成开题报告初稿。

2014年11月中旬 完成开题报告定稿。

2014年12月初 参加开题答辩。






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