摘 要:新课改下的语文课堂教学,学生是学习的主体,教学的目标是使学生在语文学习的过程中收获知识、提升能力和情感。而当前我国农村小学高年级学生在阅读学习中普遍存在照搬书本、把老师说的都当金科玉律、不愿质疑、缺乏批判精神、没有自主质疑意识等问题,这些问题严重制约了学生的思维和学习能力。因此,在语文阅读教学过程中,提升学生的语文阅读学习能力的素养,就应在课堂教学中营造良好的氛围,激发学生的质疑意识,培养和增强学生的自信心,最大限度的发挥学生的质疑能力,才能通过增强学生的质疑意识来培养学生在阅读教学中的创新素质和实践能力,才能够充分体现学生在语文学习中的主体地位。
关键词:农村小学;高年级 ;阅读教学;质疑能力
ABSTRACT:The Chinese classroom teaching under the new curriculum reform, students are the main part of the study, the teaching goal is to make students in the process of language learning harvest knowledge, improve ability and emotion. The current our country countryside elementary school higher grades students in learning to read is widespread copying all books, the teacher said that as the golden rule, reluctant to question, problems such as lack of critical spirit, no independent question consciousness, these problems seriously restricted the students' thinking and learning ability. Therefore, in the process of Chinese reading teaching, improve students' Chinese reading ability of literacy, it should create a good atmosphere in classroom teaching, stimulate students' question consciousness, cultivate and enhance students' self-confidence, maximum full play the students' ability of questioning, to enhance the students' question consciousness to cultivate students' innovative quality and practice ability in the reading teaching, to fully embody the dominant position of students in language learning.
Keywords: rural senior ;primary school ;reading teaching ;question ability