【关键词】 低年级;数学阅读;数学阅读能力;阅读策略
【abstract】Reading is an important activity in human society; it is not only the important way to know the world and get information, but also the most general and lasting learning method of the human. In educational activities, reading is the basis to learn knowledge, enhance capacity and upgrade self-quality. Reading capacity is an important element of learning capability. So reading capacity is needed in learning well. Math reading can not only promote the students’ thinking quality, but also enhance their ability of autonomous learning and meta-cognitive. It can even develop the students’ self-quality. The training of math reading capacity is essential and available.
Math is a science, a culture and a language. Therefore, math teaching must emphasize on math reading. As a math teacher, one must pay attention to the promotion of the math reading capacity of the students.
After reading the available materials concerning to the math reading, I first summary the concepts of the math reading, then induct the specialness of the math reading on the basis of others’ researches and my own teaching experience. On that basis, I also investigate the necessity of lower primary to carry out the math reading teaching. I hold that the math reading teaching for the lower primary is not only available, but also necessary and put forward the method of promoting the math reading capacity. By analyzing the contrast of math reading contents between inside and outside class, I think it is necessary for the teacher to train the students’ personalized reading capacity and promote the students’ reading capacity by teaching the effective reading strategies.
[Key words] Lower primary ;Math reading;Math reading capacity ;Reading strategies