Abstract:This research adopts the participatory observation methods , The research analysis of the teachers’ dominate behavior in the kindergarten, such as the background of behavior , dominant theme dominant object and dominant strategy in freedom activity. Explores the effects on teachers’ characteristics of dominant behavior, and combining the interviews with teachers about viewpoints of children’s education, cultural background of influence of the dominate behavior. The researcher hopes that the study can provide some help and apocalypse for the teacher of preschool education . It shows that the main factors influencing teachers’ dominate behavior include teacher’s viewpoints of children’s education , teacher’s views on children role orientation, teacher’s quality.
Key words:freedom activity ; dominance behavior; prosocial strategie; dominance object
在幼儿园中我们不难看到玩的忘乎所以的孩子们有的你追我赶,有的身体堵在滑滑梯口就是不下来;也不难看到有的幼儿早上来到教室无所事事的到处转悠。这时如果教师介入,以合适的语言或动作对其进行引导和督促,促进积极行为的产生,逐步使幼儿的良好行为发展成为一种习惯 。可见教师支配存在着必要性、合理性。然而不同的教师运用支配来解决幼儿相关问题的情况又是怎样的,他们的支配行为有哪些特点,他们对支配是否有着不同的想法和不同的做法,他们当中的哪些支配方式方法是比较有效的。本研究观察统计了幼儿园不同教师相关的支配行为并进行相对的理性分析,为幼儿教师提供一个科学看待教师支配的视角,在对教师支配有新的认识之后,以待在教育实践中能科学有效地运用好教师支配。